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Get Moving – Let’s Add 20! Weekly Goal Check In


GET MOVING – IT’S TIME TO ADD 20! WEEKLY GOAL CHECK INYou have been working on your new step goals for a week now – how are you doing?

If you found that you easily overshot your new goal, take the average for the week and ADD 20% to it.

For example, if your goal this week was 3,600 steps a day and you found that you stepped on average 4,200 steps a day, add 20% to 4,200 = 5,040 is your new daily step goal this week.

Average Steps Last Week: _______+ 20% =

__________New Daily Step Goal

If you found that you had a hard time meeting your new goal, repeat this same goal this week. For example, if your goal this week was 3,600 steps a day and you found that you stepped on average 3,200 steps a day, your goal this week is 3,600 steps AND let’s figure out how to get you moving a bit more this week! Plan two ten minutes walks each day (this may be during your break time at work or at lunch and when you return home).

Use your pedometer as motivation across the day – check your progress across the day. If you see that by 11AM you have only walked 1,000 steps, this is a great motivator to go for a walk at lunch!

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