There are so many ways to get healthy with the Clean & Lean System! Streaming yoga, step by step instructions and tasty recipes and meal plans to make getting healthy easy and fun. How about a step by step program that will help you step into 2015 feeling clean, lean, balanced and simply glowing? 

HERE’S THE SCHEDULE: Starting on January 7th (this Wednesday!) Clean & Lean System members will kick off the Get My Health in Gear Program with a 14 Day Detox. I recommend the 14 Day Detox Pack from Designs for Health, which is offered to members at *30% off retail on the member site. This offers you a 14 day supply of two detox support meal replacement shakes, along with liver and digestive support. To complete your menu, simply choose one recipe from the over 750 choices on the Clean & Lean System recipe section to have for your third meal. If you want to make this really easy on yourself, choose three recipes from the site that make 4-5 servings (totaling 14) and then you will only need to cook/ prep THREE times over the 14 day plan. Starting January 21st, we’ll kick off a 28 Day Clean & Lean System Challenge. Daily emails and videos will walk you through this comprehensive lifestyle approach to total body wellness – address your sleep, movement, eating habits and connection with self. *The site, mobile app and programs are all-inclusive to the membership. If you would like to include any supplements, these are at an additional cost. All members enjoy 30% off retail on all supplement orders. It is time to regroup and refresh! Become a Clean & Lean System member now! 96 to join and only 7.97 per month to enjoy all that the Clean & Lean System membership has to offer! 
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